Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Teaser for The Polymer Arts - Spring 2012

Here's a bit of a teaser for the upcoming issue of The Polymer Arts. "Yours truly" has a technique article included, which is entitled "Chopped Translucent Polymer", and in it you'll learn how to recreate the base material for pieces such as these. I can't give away the specifics here, but I will tell you that like many ultimately good things in life, this technique started with a "boo-boo"!

Want to know more? Well, those of you who are subscribers, be sure to check your mail/email boxes for the Spring issue, which is due out any time now. I hope that you enjoy the article, and of course, the rest of Sage's gorgeous publication!


  1. Great! I can't wait. :) And congrats.

  2. Amazing! I was already looking forward to the next issue, but this makes the wait even harder!

  3. Gorgeous looking technique! ...can't wait to see the next issue!
