Design Philosophy

11 Bold street features wearable art - handcrafted jewelry and accessories, primarily of polymer clay and compatible materials.  I also offer unique containers and desk sets, such as valets, pens and trinket boxes, beads, buttons and tutorials.
Items are currently available in my Etsy shop.

This shop IS me, as I only offer items which I personally would wear, use or display. Items are all one-of-a-kind. You may see echoes of the same colors or techniques in multiple pieces, especially with patterns that are exceptionally exciting. Edges are frequently exposed, showing the multi-step layering process that is used in many items. 

Black is often present, from a major hue in a design to a  tiny accent. I consider it not just a fashion classic, but a design essential - it tends to anchor a piece and provide a landing point for the eye.

And the pieces tend to be, well - BOLD - in either color, pattern and/or size. They are rarely "seasonal" and infinitely wearable year 'round.

Thanks so much for visiting and sharing in my ongoing creative journeys!