Looking out any of our windows confirms that we're not in NW Ohio anymore...
So far, we've done some hiking (just our street is a 300' climb, round-trip!), made some wonderful new friends, had a few wildlife adventures, watched the eclipse with over 96% totality, plus a few special friends and family have occupied our guest room. And, of course, done much research into the abundant local choices in food and drink!
Despite being in the South, we've traded for a very similar winter experience, due to our altitude of almost 4500'. It may be a bit milder overall, but these "hills" make any of the frozen stuff a challenge to get around in :D It's not really an issue since we never really have to go out....
...which is GREAT for extended studio time!
I've gotten to work on some new designs, and have more swirling around in my head. My new studio was pretty well set until I got a reorganizing brainstorm. That's the curse (?) of a restless, creative mind. So now it's a bit torn up, as Dennis is taking the opportunity to paint as I choose a few new pieces of storage furniture.
The last week has been spent re-opening my Etsy Shop. Everything naturally expired, so I'm using the opportunity to take a curated approach - handling, checking connections, inspecting, generally evaluating each item to see if I still love it. I'm happy to find that the vast majority of pieces are passing the test!
After almost eight years, I decided that this break was also a good time to update the face of 11 BOLD street with a fresh, new look. I hope that you like it, and take a moment to browse the shop over the next few weeks as I gradually get back up to full inventory.
If you're in the Hilton Head/Bluffton SC area, you can also shop Old Town Bluffton, in particular, The Complete Home. This delightful little shop has a taste of 11BOLDstreet, along with other great finds!
So, stay warm, my (northern hemisphere) friends - more posts coming soon, from the mountains!